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书名Gestión del agua de lastre - Cómo llevarla a la práctica, Edición de 2017

Ratificación / Implantación / Cumplimiento

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2027 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO624A-ES

This publication provides useful practical information to Governments, particularly those of developing countries, Administrations, shipowners, port State control authorities, environmental agencies and other stakeholders on the implications of ratifying, implementing and enforcing the Ballast Water Management Convention. The aim is to encourage the further ratification and proper

implementation and enforcement of the Convention. However, it should be noted that, for legal purposes, the authentic text of the Convention should always be consulted

书名MARPOL Cómo llevarlo a la práctica, Edición de 2013

Ratificación / Implantación / Cumplimiento

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2023 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO636C-ES

This manual provides useful, practical information to Governments, particularly those of developing countries, on the technical, economic and legal implications of ratifying, implementing and enforcing the MARPOL Convention and its Annexes.

书名Manual sobre contaminación química, Edición de 2015

Parte 3 - Aspectos jurídicos y administrativos de los sucesos relacionados con SNPP

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2025 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO637A-ES

The manual aims to provide the reader, in particular on-scene commanders, response personnel, government entities and others involved in the management and/or response to pollution incidents involving Hazardous and Noxious Substance (HNS), with a description of the various interests involved in an HNS incident and its aftermath

书名Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por hidrocarburos, Edición de 2011

Parte I - Prevención

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2011 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO557B-ES

This Section of the Manual on Oil Pollution is intended to provide practical guidance related to the prevention of pollution from ships, and describes procedures for the handling of oil cargoes, bunkering, ship-to-ship transfer operations, transfer operations involving offshore units and operations in ice-covered waters.

The manual also provides an overview of the various prevention practices, as a complement to the more detailed industry standards and Codes of Practice, currently available. The information provided is not intended to supersede or replace any information, law, or regulation contained in any other publication with respect to the waters and areas to which it pertains.

书名Manual IAMSAR Volumen I, Organización y gestión, Edición de 2022

Manual internacional de los servicios aeronáuticos y marítimos de búsqueda y salvamento

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2022Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO960L-ES

El presente volumen, titulado Organización y gestión, examina el concepto del sistema de búsqueda y salvamento (sistema SAR) mundial, el establecimiento y la mejora de sistemas SAR nacionales y regionales, y la colaboración entre los Estados vecinos encaminada a prestar unos servicios SAR eficaces y económicos.

书名Manual conjunto OMI/OHI/OMM relativo a la Información sobre seguridad marítima, Edición de 2015

Manual internacional de los servicios aeronáuticos y marítimos de búsqueda y salvamento

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2015Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO910C-ES

This Manual provides a practical guide for anyone who is concerned with drafting navigational warnings or with the issuance of meteorological forecasts and warnings under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

书名Guía para la respuesta a derrames de hidrocarburos en corrientes rápidas, Edición de 2013

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2013Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO582A-ES

The aim of this Guideline is to provide essential information and a practical aid to oil spill response personnel for the development of response strategies and for the implementation of oil spill containment and clean-up measures in a fast water environment.

It is intended for personnel who already have an understanding of the basics of oil containment and recovery using conventional spill response equipment, such as booms and skimmers, and provide information on the particular considerations and strategies that are required for pollution response in fast currents.

书名Manual IAMSAR Volumen II Coordinación de las misiones, Edición de 2022

Manual internacional de los servicios aeronáuticos y marítimos de búsqueda y salvamento

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2022Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO961I-ES

A new edition of the IAMSAR Manual is published every three years. The 2022 edition includes amendments, adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and approved by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at its 103rd session in May 2021 by means of MSC.1/Circ.1640, which become applicable on 1 June 2022.

书名Manual IAMSAR Volumen II Coordinación de las misiones, Edición de 2022

Manual internacional de los servicios aeronáuticos y marítimos de búsqueda y salvamento

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2022Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO961I-ES

A new edition of the IAMSAR Manual is published every three years. The 2022 edition includes amendments, adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and approved by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at its 103rd session in May 2021 by means of MSC.1/Circ.1640, which become applicable on 1 June 2022.

书名Manual sobre la contaminación ocasionada por hidrocarburos Parte IV, Edición 2005

Lucha contra los derrames de hidrocarburos

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2005Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO569B-ES

This edition of Section IV draws on the experience and lessons learned by Governments and industry in responding to marine oil pollution world-wide during the last thirty years. It builds on earlier editions, first published in 1972 and revised in 1980 and 1988, and provides a clear and concise overview of the present level of knowledge, expertise and understanding in the field of oil spill response.

It covers the behaviour and fate of different types of oil when spilled and the effects on marine and coastal resources and includes new chapters on in situ burning and bioremediation measures. Guidance is provided on training, exercises and equipment maintenance and storage - information is also given on liability, compensation and cost accounting.

书名Vigilancia del cumplimento de bajo costo y baja tecnología, Edición de 2017

Evaluacíon del cumplimiento de los permisos para la evacuación de desechos y otros materiales en el mar

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2017Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO547A-ES

The objective of this publication is to provide practical information about using low cost and low technology approaches that are useful for monitoring compliance with permit conditions associated with ocean disposal of waste materials or other matter. The primary audiences for this guidance are countries that are in the early stages of developing waste assessment and monitoring actions in concert with permit programmes for disposal of wastes and other matter into marine waters.

书名Código Internacional de Se?ales Edición de 2005

Evaluacíon del cumplimiento de los permisos para la evacuación de desechos y otros materiales en el mar

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2005Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO994D-ES

Codes of signals have been published since the beginning of the 19th century to provide mariners with an internationally accepted, common system for communication at sea. Each signal within the *International Code of Signals* has a complete meaning, which ensures that specific situations related to safety can be clearly communicated through various means, even when language difficulties arise.

Since its first edition, published in 1965, amendments to the Code have been adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) resulting in four subsequent editions. The fourth edition of the Code (2005 edition) incorporated all amendments up to MSC 73 in December 2000. The *International Code of Signals* has not been amended since its fourth edition and this current edition comprises only minor editorial improvements and a new cover. Therefore, both the 2005 edition and this edition of the Code are considered equally valid.

书名Protocolo de Cooperación - SNPP

Protocolo sobre cooperación, preparación y lucha contra los sucesos de contaminación por sustancias nocivas y potencialmente peligrosas, 2000

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2002Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO556A-ES

The 1990 Conference on International Co-operation on Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response invited IMO to initiate work to develop an appropriate instrument to expand the scope of the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation, 1990, to supply, in whole or in part, to pollution incidents by hazasrdous substances other than oil and prepare a proposal to this end.

The Marine Environment Proctection Committee adopted in principle, at its forty-second session in November 1998, a draft protocol on preparedness, response and co-operation to pollution incidents by hazardous and noxious substances. Together with the OPRC Convention, the OPRC-HNS Protocol will provide a framework for international co-operation in establishing systems for preparedness and response at the national, regional and global levels.

In accordance with Article 2(b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization and resolution 10 of the above-mentioned conference, the MEPC, at its forth-second session recommended and the Council, at its eight-second session decide to convene a conference to consider the adoption of a protocol on preparedness, response and co-operation to pollution incidents by hazardous and noxious substances.

This conference was held at IMO headquarters from 9 to 15 March 2000 and in addition to the Final Act, the Conference adopted the Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to Pollution incidents by Hazardous and Noxious Substances, 2000. The Conference also adopted six resolutions which are contained in the Attachment to the Final Act.

书名Convenio SNP de 2010, Edición de 2013

Convenio internacional sobre reponsabilidad e indemnización de da?os en relación con el transporte marítimo de sustancias Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 2010

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2013Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO479B-ES

This publication is divided into three parts:

1.Part 1 contains:

2.the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 2010 (2010 HNS Convention)

3.overview of the 2010 HNS Convention

4.guidelines on reporting of HNS contributing cargo.

5.Part 2 contains:

6.the Protocol of 2010 to the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996

7.the Final Act of the International Conference of 2010 on the Revision of the HNS Convention.

8.Part 3 contains:

9.the International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS Convention), 1996

10.the Final Act of the International Conference on Hazardous and Noxious Substances and Limitation of Liability, 1996.

书名Manual OMI/PNUMA Sobre la evaluación de los da?os ocasionados, Edición de 2009

al medio ambiente y su rehabilitación tras un derrame de hidrocarburos en el mar

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2013Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO580A-ES

The objective of the Manual is to provide guidance on strategies that may be used to assess the damage and subsequent recovery of the environment resulting from marine pollution incidents. Available techniques are considered together with criteria to help judge the feasibility of such measures to bring about successful recovery of those environments.

The Manual emphasizes the importance of pre-spill planning and provides an overview of assessment techniques and restoration measures in various ecosystems. It also provides guidance on opportunities for compensation through the international oil compensation schemes. Practical examples of natural resource assessment and restoration are provided through a series of case studies.

书名Convenio de Londres y Protocolo de Londres, Edición de 2016

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2016Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO532C-ES

This publication contains the full text of the Convention on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matter at sea, 1972 (London Convention) and the 1996 Protocol (London Protocol), as amended. The following related resources are also included:

1.A list of resolutions adopted under the two treaties;

2.Prospective amendments to the London Protocol that are pending entry into force; and

3.Terms of reference for the subsidiary bodies under the London Convention and Proto

书名Directrices sobre la evaluación de bajo coste y baja tecnología de los materiales de dragado, Edición de 2015

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2015Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO540A-ES

This document provides guidance on the application of the waste assessment guidelines (WAG) using low technology and low cost methods. For example, it contains details on low cost sampling, testing, information gathering and documenting, consistent with the WAG, to allow characterization of the dredged material and selection of suitable disposal sites, including guidance on simple and low cost monitoring of disposal activities, and feedback surveys to improve decision making.

书名Havneguiden 2

Langesund – Lindesnes

出版社 - L?remiddelforlaget - Skagerrak Forlag AS

版本号 - 5th Edition

语言 - Norwegian

书号 -LMF1002E-NO

Norwegian language

Havneguiden 2, Langesund Lindesnes beskriver ca. 400 havne. I enkelte tilf?lde omtales mere end én havn p? samme opslag. Hver havn bliver pr?senteret med sit eget Havneguidekort, luftfoto, beskrivende tekst og en faktaboks med n?gleinformationer. Teksten er delt i to: Den maritime del beskriver havnen, indsejlingen og eventuelle specielle forhold. Du f?r ogs? vide, hvilken type fort?jning, du skal bruge, s? du kan v?re forberedt ved ankomsten. Den generelle tekst fort?ller om stedets og omgivelsernes karaktertr?k og historie og om, hvad I kan se, g?re og opleve, n?r I kommer frem. Hvor det er aktuelt, har vi ogs? fors?gt at pege p? ting, I kan finde interessante og selv udforske n?rmere. Nysgerrighed er en god f?lgesvend at have med p? tur.

P? Havnekortene finder du flere detaljer end p? almindelige s?kort og kortplottere. Her er der desuden markeret, hvor det er bedst at fort?je, hvilken slags fort?jning, der bruges, og hvilken retning billedet er taget fra. Luftfotoene med markeringer giver dig et hurtigt overblik over havnens omgivelser, faciliteter, anl?bsruter, farer og fort?jningsmuligheder.

书名Havneguiden 8

Arholma – Landsort

出版社 - L?remiddelforlaget - Skagerrak Forlag AS

版本号 - 4th Edition

语言 - Norwegian

书号 -LMF1008D-SV

Denne bog beskriver over 400 natur- og g?stehavne fra Arholma til Landsort. Hver havn pr?senteres med et detaljeret Havneguidekort, et helikopterfoto, en beskrivende tekst og en faktaboks.

Kortmaterialet i Havneguiden 8 er noget helt nyt, som aldrig tidligere er set i forbindelse med s?kort. Samtlige kort i bogen er produceret af Hydrographica. Det betyder, at de er baseret p? Hydrographicas gennempr?vede s?opm?lingsteknik p? grundlag af 3D-luftfotos, men desuden ogs? at hvert Havneguidekort er kontrolleret og verificeret gennem supplerende hydrografiske opm?linger p? stedet.

Helikopterbillederne og markeringerne giver dig et hurtigt overblik over hver enkelt havn med dens karakter, faciliteter, anl?bsruter, farer og fort?jningsmuligheder. Sk?r, sten og grunde, man skal v?re specielt opm?rksom p?, er markeret p? billederne.

Dette er den bedste og mest komplette Havneguide nogensinde over Stockholms sk?rg?rd!

书名Protocolo de Londres - Qué es y cómo implantarlo, Edición de 2014

出版社 - International Maritime Organization

版本号 - 2014Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO533A-ES

This manual provides useful, practical information to Governments, particularly those of developing countries, on the technical, economic and legal implications of ratifying, implementing and enforcing the London Protocol.

书名Indian Ocean Cruising Guide

A yachtsman's handbook, for the Read Sea, Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia

出版社 - Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson

版本号 - 2nd Edition

语言 - English

书号 -IMR1507B

A good general cruising guide covering the routes from Europe to Australia and points in between, Indian Ocean Cruising Guide covers all the usual points of interest for cruising yachtsmen, from history to climate, weather patterns, formalities, route planning and so on. The general sections are followed by a country-by-country round up in which key ports are described in detail with the aid of harbour plans and photographs. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and contains a lot of additional information on Malaysia and Thailand, the Seychelles and Chagos archipelago. The introduction has been expanded and throughout there are new plans and photographs. Indian Ocean Cruising Guide is now in full colour. This guide is an ideal companion to Rod Heikell and Andy O'Grady's Ocean Passages and Landfalls which discusses routes across the Indian Ocean.

书名Reading the Clouds

How You Can Forecast the Weather

出版社 - Adlard Coles Nautical

版本号 - 2nd Edition

语言 - English

书号 -BLO2605B

Wouldn't it be useful to be able to come up with an accurate weather forecast simply by reading the clouds? Well, with this book, you can!

TV forecasts, online predictions and smartphone apps are all based on the same data a number-crunched overview of how air pressure and temperature affects the weather over a large geographical area. But to get an idea of how the weather will develop for the precise spot where you're standing (or walking, sailing, golfing, fishing, etc) you don't need any equipment or a wifi connection you just need to look up.

This book will give you a great understanding of why clouds are symptoms of weather patterns, not causes. Highly practical, it shows you how by reading these signs in the sky and referring to the explanatory colour photos and diagrams, you will be able to tell exactly what those signs mean.

After its very well received first edition, this second edition is revised and expanded, including plenty of new photos to cover every possible view of the sky. With this at-a-glance guide to the clouds anywhere in the world, on land or at sea, you will be able to predict the weather by recognising cloud types, shapes, colours and behaviour.

Including a Foreword by Tom Cunliffe, writer, TV presenter and yachting instructor, this will be an invaluable companion for everyone who enjoys time spent outdoors.



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