电子图书出新通告 (2023.06.30)

发布时间:2023-06-30 15:25:49 访问次数:1488



书名Orals Prep Series 2 - International Safety and Risk Management

出版社-Witherby Publishing Group

版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -WPG1807A

Proficiency in safety and risk management as per the ISM Code is essential for deck and technical officers on merchant navy ships and super yachts.

Designed for repeated self-testing, this Q&A-based book is an essential guide for students and seafarers preparing for their STCW oral examination.

This book covers essential topics to help you build confidence in preparing decisive answers for STCW oral examination. Topics covered in this series include:

1.Definitions, roles and responsibilities

2.certificates, documents and records

3.audits, observations and non-conformities

4.hazards, risk assessments and permits to work.

5.Competence in these topics is necessary for deck and technical officers to monitor their ships compliance with statutory requirements effectively.

Repeated self-testing using the following questions and answers on the ISM Code will help you prepare confident and decisive responses for your STCW oral exam. Topics covered include: definitions, roles and responsibilities certificates, documents and records audits, observations and non-conformities hazards, risk assessments and permits to work.

Competence in these topics is necessary for deck and technical officers to monitor their ships compliance with statutory requirements effectively.

书名Insuring Cargoes

A Practical Guide to the Law and Practice 2023

出版社-Witherby Publishing Group

版本号-2nd Edition

语言- English

书号 -WPG0901B

This is a comprehensive guide to underwriting and claims practices, written with incredible depth and insight by a practitioner with over 40 years' experience in different markets. It discusses the basic concepts of marine cargo insurance, the impact of the Insurance Act 2015, developing case laws, Institute and trade clauses, non-Institute clauses, rejection risks, the need for careful wording of policy terms, adjustment of claims, etc.

This 527-page book on cargo insurance contains an exhaustive commentary on the current Institute and trade clauses, important case laws, the Insurance Act 2015, Incoterms Rules 2020, insurable interest and the need for reforms, contingency covers and possible gaps in coverage, a critical look at open covers, etc.

There are two chapters on claims, including proximate/concurrent causes, burden of proof, treatment of rate of exchange fluctuation, higher cost of repairs by OEM, reinstatement of manufacturers' warranty, TPND, piracy, replacement clauses, etc.

Insuring Cargoes becomes the only book to devote complete chapters to rejection risks, contract certainty, delay and inherent vice, non-Institute (broker) clauses, physical versus non-physical losses, and recoveries. A very detailed list of documents for partial and total loss claims involving general/dry bulk/liquid bulk is another useful addition to the second edition.

The book offers a practical insight into marine cargo insurance and introduces new ideas and concepts, all of which will go a long way in issuing policies free of ambiguities and ensuring fair outcomes in the case of claims. Every concept is well illustrated with practical examples.

书名Ship Manoeuvring Principles

出版社-Witherby Publishing Group

版本号-2nd Edition

语言- English

书号 -WPG1230B

This publication explains the theory and practice of ship manoeuvring and the basics of pilotage. It covers a wide range of manoeuvres and provides practical guidance on the dynamic forces acting on the ship and appropriate use of the ships controls. The book is based on the authors extensive experience as a pilot and is both informative and easy to read.

This book provides those who are training to become pilots, Masters or officers, or other personnel required to manoeuvre ships, with practical ship-handling information on which to build their own strategy for learning and improvement. It provides guidance on the stages and potential risks of each manoeuvre and highlights some of the less obvious features affecting the pilotage of ships.

The second edition reflects the rapid changes in the world of shipping since the publication of the first edition in 2001. The book begins with an Overview of Propulsion, Steering and Bridge Systems, followed by Basic Principles, which every reader must understand to be able to manoeuvre a ship, before moving on to more specialised areas such as berthing, towing and anchoring.

书名Ship Stability Strength and Loading Principles

Merchant Navy Officers of the Watch, Merchant Navy Chief Mates and Masters

出版社-Witherby Publishing Group

版本号-2nd Edition

语言- English

书号 -WPG1450B

This is a clear and instructive guide to ship stability for anyone studying to become certified to Mate/Master or Officer of the Watch (OOW) level. It covers the ship stability syllabus requirements for learners studying for STCW 78 as amended for both OFFICER IN CHARGE OF NAVIGATIONAL WATCH REG and CHIEF MATE/MASTER REG. II/2 (UNLIMITED) certificate of competency. It also covers the principles of ship construction, to assist understanding of the nature of ship hull stresses in service. The text is extensively illustrated and supported by worked examples.

Part A of this book covers ship stability for the officer of the watch, providing an overview of the basic principles of ship stability, before introducing the hydrostatic data used to conduct loading calculations. To allow readers to compare certain hull shapes and ensure the preservation of adequate reserve buoyancy at all times, both the principal design coefficients and load line requirements are described. The vertical position of the ship's centre of gravity (G) and the factors influencing the position of the centre of buoyancy (B) are also discussed. This part also introduces the curve of statical stability, or GZ curve, and discusses the distinction between list and loll. To ensure that list is restricted to an acceptable limit, precautions for suspended weights are examined. Finally, this part examines the importance of trim when loading/discharging and ballasting the ship.

Part B considers ship strength and stresses, covering the classification of shipbuilding materials, ship stresses and structural strength compensation, shear force and bending moment calculations, and corrosion control.

Part C is aimed at mates and masters and provides comprehensive calculation procedures for trim, draught and load lines. It sets out the forces and stresses on a ship during dry-docking and explains the principles and procedures of the inclining experiment. It also looks at calculation of the angle of loll, factors affecting the shape of the curve of statical stability, wind heeling, heel when turning, calculation and assignment of freeboard, icing, bilging, and rolling and dangerous sea wave phenomena. Consideration is given to different types of cargo, such as bulk cargoes, grain and timber deck cargoes. Also included is the draught survey calculation procedure and assessment of compliance of the ship's loaded condition with MCA and IMO stability criteria.

The publication also includes worked examples for voyage planning and ship load calculations.

Reference is made throughout to procedures for verifying compliance with intact stability criteria and relevant regulations, conventions and codes of practice.

书名ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping - 2023 Edition

出版社-Witherby Publishing Group

版本号-9th Edition

语言- English

书号 -WPG1252I

This edition sets out procedures for the correct configuration of ECDIS and, utilising the APEM (appraisal, planning, execution and monitoring) methodology, highlights best practices for passage planning and watchkeeping.

This publication equips navigators with a thorough knowledge of ECDIS, contributing towards safer ship operation/navigation and a more effective bridge team. It encourages operators to practise the use of every function and technique available on ECDIS, such as setting correct safety depths and safety contours, as well as understanding topics such as scale minimum (SCAMIN) and alarm management.

Updated ECDIS screenshots and illustrations such as the APEM flowchart aid reader's understanding of best practice techniques.

This edition of ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping sets out procedures for the correct configuration of ECDIS and, utilising the APEM methodology, highlights best practices for passage planning and watchkeeping.

An ECDIS operator should:

1.Be proficient in setting up the ECDIS, particularly the safety and display settings

Be aware that, while ECDIS may continuously display a 'position', it is important to understand how that position has been derived and how to verify its accuracy. The key to effective ECDIS navigation is 'position verification' of the current GNSS position. The watchkeeper must regularly verify the GNSS position with LOPs from an alternative positioning method.

Practising the use of every function and technique available on the ECDIS is one of the most effective ways a watchkeeper can maintain and develop their navigation skills at sea. Learning how to use each type of ECDIS thoroughly, and mentoring others to do the same, contributes towards safer ship operation and a more effective bridge team.

In November 2021, the UK Supreme Court reaffirmed the decision that a defective passage plan effectively renders the ship legally unseaworthy. In the case under question, a large container ship went aground. The company was held liable for several million dollars when it was determined that the chart had not been properly updated. It was found that the passage plan (appraisal and planning stages) and subsequent navigation outside a buoyed fairway did not reflect a warning given in a Notice to Mariners.

The warning stated that the depths shown on the chart outside the fairway were unreliable and that the waters were shallower than those recorded on the chart.

The importance of a well made ECDIS passage plan, effectively executed and monitored, should not be underestimated.

书名Ship Recycling Guide (Member)

Lloyd's Practical Shipping Guides

出版社-International Chamber of Shipping

版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -ICS6010A(MEM)

Ship recycling is a crucial aspect of the shipping industry, and it is important that shipowners and crew understand the process thoroughly. Not only is it a legal obligation to dispose of a ship responsibly, but it also plays a significant role in the protection of the environment and the safety of workers involved in the process.

This comprehensive ship recycling guide is designed to equip shipowners and crew with the necessary knowledge to ensure a safe and sustainable recycling process when the ship reaches the end of its life. It covers everything from the development and maintenance of the inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) while the ship is in service, through to preparing the ship for recycling and the sale of the ship. This book includes comprehensive guidance on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, and explains the differences between the European Union Ship Recycling Regulation and the Hong Kong Convention, ensuring that companies are in compliance with the applicable law.

With practical advice and guidance, this guide will help companies and crew navigate the complexities of maintaining the IHM throughout the ship's life and preparing a ship for recycling, and help make informed decisions that benefit both operations and the environment. Whether companies have a new build ship, are upgrading systems on board or are looking to recycle an end-of-life ship, this guide is an essential resource for shipowners, masters and chief engineers.

书名Ship Recycling Guide

出版社-International Chamber of Shipping

版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -ICS6010A

Ship recycling is a crucial aspect of the shipping industry, and it is important that shipowners and crew understand the process thoroughly. Not only is it a legal obligation to dispose of a ship responsibly, but it also plays a significant role in the protection of the environment and the safety of workers involved in the process.

This comprehensive ship recycling guide is designed to equip shipowners and crew with the necessary knowledge to ensure a safe and sustainable recycling process when the ship reaches the end of its life. It covers everything from the development and maintenance of the inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) while the ship is in service, through to preparing the ship for recycling and the sale of the ship. This book includes comprehensive guidance on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, and explains the differences between the European Union Ship Recycling Regulation and the Hong Kong Convention, ensuring that companies are in compliance with the applicable law.

With practical advice and guidance, this guide will help companies and crew navigate the complexities of maintaining the IHM throughout the ship's life and preparing a ship for recycling, and help make informed decisions that benefit both operations and the environment. Whether companies have a new build ship, are upgrading systems on board or are looking to recycle an end-of-life ship, this guide is an essential resource for shipowners, masters and chief engineers.

书名Economics of Maritime Business


版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -TAF0015A

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the economics of the business of maritime transport. It provides an economic explanation of four aspects of maritime transport, namely, the demand, the supply, the market and the strategy.

The book first explains why seaborne trade happens and what its development trends are; it then analyses the main features of shipping supply and how various shipping markets function; the book finally addresses the critical strategic issues of the shipping business. The full range of different types of shipping are covered throughout the chapters and cases. The book combines the basic principles of maritime transport with the modern shipping business and the latest technological developments, particularly in the area of digital disruption. The ideas and explanations are supported and evidenced by practical examples and more than 160 tables and figures. The questions posed by the book are similar to those that would be asked by the students in their learning process or the professionals in the business environment, with the answers concentrating on the reasons for what has happened and will happen in the future rather than merely fact-telling or any specific forecast.

The book is most suited for students of shipping-related disciplines, and is also a valuable reference for maritime professionals.

书名Liquefied Petroleum Gas Sampling Procedures


版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -SIG5035A

This book is a guide to liquefied petroleum gas sampling procedures and contains updated recommendations produced by a working group made up of several industry experts and coordinated by SIGTTO.

This publication is a comprehensive guide to liquefied petroleum gas sampling. It covers the entirety of the process from beginning to end and looks at:

2.The basic reasons for taking cargo samples

3.Sampling connections, eg open and closed loop systems

4.Types of sample containers

5.Recommended standard sample connections

6.Safe procedures for taking samples.

It has been fully updated by a working group made up of several industry experts and coordinated by SIGTTO.

书名Core Principles of Maritime Navigation


版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -TAF2110A

Core Principles of Maritime Navigation introduces the main navigation concepts required by trainees and professionals involved in maritime operations. The book covers a wide range of subjects from wind, waves and depths to navigational marks and buoys, navigational techniques and equipment, passage planning, duties of the Officer of the Watch, berthing and anchorage. It is not intended to be a technical publication; rather, it aims to introduce core ideas and concepts in an accessible way for general readers, university students, cadets and for the continuous professional development of experienced seafarers.

书名Codification of Maritime Law

Challenges, Possibilities and Experience


版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -TAF9014A

This book is the first of its kind to explore the problems inherent in the unification of maritime law. Featuring contributions from leading experts at European maritime law research centres, it considers international conventions, current maritime practice, standard forms and recently adopted or drafted national codifications of maritime law from the codification point of view.

The book is divided into four parts which represent different views on the main topic. Part I gathers chapters dedicated to different aspects and methods of unification of maritime law on a global scale, as well as several specific issues of maritime law from the regulatory point of view. Part II of the book consists of those papers that centre around the issue of transport of goods. Part III is dedicated to codifications of carriage of passengers, cruise law and leisure navigation. Finally, Part IV addresses national codifications of maritime law.

Codification of Maritime Law: Challenges, Possibilities and Experience seeks to provide common ground for future unification of maritime law, which makes the book useful both for private and public maritime lawyers and statesmaritime administrations worldwide.

书名Cartner on the International Law of the Shipmaster

On The New Command at Sea


版本号-2nd Edition

语言- English

书号 -TAF9028B

This unique book rethinks and rewrites the previous edition. It categorises simply the nine interactive legal duties of the shipmaster, analysing and relating them to laws and conventions within a single volume.

Cartner on the International Law of the Shipmaster contends that command depends on decision-making, and that shipmasters are not provided sufficient, timely, relevant, and pertinent information for command decisions. The book proposes voyage planning follow the spacecraft model of the USA's National Aeronautics and Space Administration, providing readers with a metric for command. It constructively criticises the conventions and management and is aimed at reducing catastrophes by focusing on the hitherto elusive human factor in the shipmaster. Cartner proposes that command at sea be its own profession and discipline with those called to it specifically trained in its intricacies; he argues that current ships are not designed to be command-worthy or security-worthy and that management should reorder its relationships with shipmasters as tactical managers afloat. The insights the book provides are an invaluable aid to decision making for the modern civil commander and anyone association with this pivotal and essential profession.

This book is a necessary reference and guide for shipmasters, technologists, naval architects, regulators, underwriters, students, practitioners and courts of maritime law and command worldwide.



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