电子图书出新通告 (2024.11.08)

发布时间:2024-11-11 09:31:12 访问次数:246



书名Mediterranean France & Corsica Pilot

出版社-Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson

版本号-6th edition

语言- English

书号 -IMR0194F

This is a comprehensive companion to the long coastline which ranges from Spainand the edge of the Pyrenees to the Alpes Maritimes and Italy. It covers the flatcountry of Languedoc-Roussillon, the coast of the Golfe du Lion, the Rh?ne delta andthe Camargue, the industrial Golfe de Fos, the C?te dAzur and the French Riviera and Monaco.

The island of Corsica and the waterways that run behind the coast linking the Canal du Midiand the étangs to the Rh?ne are covered in separate chapters.The authors spent the summer and autumn of 2016 cruising in Corsica and then acrossto the Golfe du Fos where they left Skylax for the winter. During their travels theyvisited a large number of harbours and anchorages, collecting the latest informationand taking new photographs. There are new aerial photos for many places and in particularfor ports and harbours in Languedoc Roussillon.

This major 2017 edition contains substantial change to the content. A new MediterraneanFrance pilot from Rod and Lu Heikell is now available from Imray and, needless to say,if you have not got one and plan to cruise this coast and inevitably Corsica, then rushout and buy it!Royal Cruising Club.



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