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书名:The Efficient Deck Hand - Revisedin 2012

Aguide to the Department for Transport Examinations for Efficient Deck Hand andAble Seaman Certicates.

出版社 - Brown, Son & Ferguson

版本号 - Revised 5th Edition 2012

语言 - English

书号 -BSF0110E

Revised and brought up-to-date this textbook has beencompiled especially for use in the pre-sea training of deck cadets, ratings andas a guide for GP ratings and all seamen, particularly those attempting theirEDH and AB examinations.

It contains easily assimilated information on elementary shipconstruction,compasses, steering, anchors, fire fighting, rope work and knots,splicing multi-plat and wire ropes, lifting tackle, MacGregor hatches,hazardous cargoes and routine maintenance. It also touches on electronic chartdisplay and information system (ECDIS), dangerous goods at sea (IMDG) labels incolour and EU classification labelling. The helpful colour diagrams showing thecorrect way to connect hydrostatic release units (HRUs) has been retained. Someolder pictures and diagrams have been kept for historical reasons or to enablecomparison with modern counter-parts.

书名:Código Internacional de Estabilidadsin Avería, 2008, Edición de 2020

出版社 - International MaritimeOrganization

版本号 - 2020 Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 -IMO874D-ES

El Código internacional de estabilidad sinavería, 2008 (Código IS 2008) presenta criterios deestabilidad obligatorios o recomendatorios y otras medidas para garantizar elfuncionamiento seguro de los buques y reducir al mínimo los riesgos para tales buques, el personal a bordo y elmedio ambiente.

La edición de 2020 contiene:

una versión actualizada del Código IS 2008, incluidas todas las enmiendas que habrán entrado en vigor el 1 de enero de 2020;

peque?as adiciones y enmiendas a la parte A de carácter obligatorio del Código;

enmiendas a la parte B de carácterrecomendatorio del Código, incluidas adiciones importantesal capítulo 2 titulado ?Criterios recomendados de proyecto parabuques dedicados a determinados tipos de operaciones y determinados tipos debuque? y al capítulo 3 titulado ?Orientaciones para elaborar la información sobre estabilidad?, así como la provisión de un nuevo anexo 3;

criterios basados en los conceptos más modernos del sector, disponibles en el momento de suelaboración; y factores que influyen en la estabilidad sin avería, que figuran en la edición anterior; y

notas explicativas e interpretaciones unificadas del Código IS 2008.

La presente publicación debería resultar de interés para lasadministraciones marítimas, los fabricantes de buques, lasempresas navieras, los institutos de formación y otras partesinteresadas en los criterios de estabilidad sin avería.

书名:The Ice Navigation and SeamanshipHandbook

出版社 - BIMCO

版本号 - 2nd Edition

语言 - English

书号 -BIM2100B

The 'Ice Navigation Manual' is a comprehensive guide to bestpractice for the safe navigation and operation of ships in ice. Now in itssecond edition, the guide has been fully updated to provide seafarers with botha practical and conceptual understanding of this challenging environment.Topics covered include an overview of ice regions (including ice types,seasonal challenges and safe routeing practices), preparing a ship and its crewfor ice (including crew training) and regulatory guidance (including pollutionresponse and the Polar Code).

This revised, second edition of 'The Ice Navigation Manual'is the definitive guide for ships operating in ice. Fully updated, with inputfrom leading industry experts and passenger and research ship Masters, itoutlines both the geography and characteristics of ice and provides practicalguidance for the ship and its crew.

The book is divided into three main sections.

Part One covers ice types and regions, including detailedmaps, information on seasonal trends and major routes and ice ports.

Part Two outlines regulations and guidance. It includes:

Guidance on preparing a ship for ice, including operationalconsiderations such as ballast water management

guidance on preparing a crew for ice, including training,requirements for appropriate clothing and PPE (all in adherence with the STCWConvention and associated STCW Code)

regional and international regulations and regulatoryguidance, including the Polar Code, ballast water regulations, biofouling,underwater radiated noise and SOLAS and MARPOL

information on ice class ships, including icebreakers andmooring equipment

forecasting information, including updated satellite imagery,ice forecasts and ice charts and international and SOLAS requirements for icereporting.

Part Three covers practical considerations, including:

Updated guidance on navigation, passage planning andwatchkeeping (including new charts, imagery and radar/POLARIS)

ship handling and ship operations

working with ice breakers

pollution prevention and response.

The guide also includes practical checklists for both thedeck and engine departments.



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