电子图书出新通告 (2024.06.21)

发布时间:2024-06-21 17:18:09 访问次数:578



书名Código MODU 2009, Edición de 2020

Código para la construcción y el equipo de unidades móviles de perforación mar adentro, 2009

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2020 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO810B-ES

The Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODU Code) presents a major revision of the 1989 MODU Code prompted by the need to update the provisions for helicopter facilities on MODUs following amendments by the ICAO Council in 2004.

It also contains, amongst others: clarification of differing jurisdiction and control mechanisms of port and coastal States; changes to the provisions for casualty investigations; new provisions for means of access and safe access to spaces; inclusion of provisions for anti-fouling systems and ballast water management; clarification and additional requirements for remotely operated doors; provision of additional requirements for jacking systems; new requirements to enhance personnel Safety; new requirements for hoisting equipment.

书名Supercargo Operations An Introduction

出版社-Mike Wall & Associates

版本号-2nd Edition

语言- English

书号 -MWA3500B

When Lloyds was first established in 1680 shipping transport was considered to be a risky adventure.

With the improvement in technology and safety standards voyages have become less resky but there is still no gurantee that a ship will not befal some accident or incident. There are more than 60,000 ships plying their trade around the world in an industry which cannot always gurantee arrival on time or that goods will not be damaged int the course of transit.

The main object of the adventure is to safely carry a cargo from its loading port (loadport) to its discharge port (disport) so that it arrives in good condition and as intended. Clearly, to ensure this the cargo must be loaded and/or stowed and carried in an appropriate manner. There are many types of cargo carried aboard ships of different designs and no single person has all knowledge about all cargoes. However, there are some who have specific knowledge and experience of certain cargoes who are often called upon to either advise or to supervise in such operations. These persons are usually marine consultants or superintendents who specialise in cargoes and are known as the 'supercargo'.

This book is aimed at helping those aspiring to this role in their career progression, choices and actions. Whilst becoming a Supercargo appears to be a natural progression for a cargo superintendent, it is not necessarily automatic, often requiring higher qualifications and several years of specialist experience.

Whilst it might be expected that readers of this book will have some form of shipping related experience, the text is also aimed at those who may have no shipping experience at all. For those who do have previous experience, I apologise in advance but would suggest that revision of some of the subjects can only be a good thing

The book will provide a sound basis and knowledge of the many aspects of cargo operations particularly with respect to the supercargo's role. It is not intended to be a comprehensive compendium covering all aspects of the subject, hence the title - an introduction. However, there is sufficient depth in the material provided to be able to gain a good understanding of the industry to be able to make informed views.

If you are working as a marine and/or cargo surveyor and wish to increase your knowledge of the subject, you should take advantage of this book by observing what is happening around you, applying what you learn and comparing it with the book content. If you do not yet work in this area try to work with an experienced Supercargo so that you can thoroughly learn about the subject.

书名Watchstanding Guide for the Merchant Officer

(IAMSAR Manual, Volume I)

出版社-Schiffer Publishing

版本号-3rd Edition

语言- English

书号 -SCP2055C

On a merchant ship it is the watch officer who truly feels the full weight of responsibility for the safety of the vessel. This book not only helps a new watch officer shoulder that responsibility, but also reinforces the knowledge and skills of the experienced mate. The complete scope of watchstanding duties, the use of modern bridge equipment, voyage planning, ship-handling, and shipboard emergencies are all addressed. Of special interest are the chapters on bridge simulation training and marine casualties. The new edition is updated to reflect the changes in the industry and now features real-life case studies. Packed full of examples, forms, and procedures, this guide proves indispensable to the mariner.

书名Marine Surveying and Consultancy - An Introduction

出版社-Mike Wall & Associates

版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -MWA3100A

The book is aimed at those wishing to become independent marine surveyors and consultants. It covers many aspects of their work with some covered in depth. It covers different types of marine survey and marine consultancy assignment including hull damage, explosions, fire, pollution, sinkings, salvage and bunker disputes. Collisions, cargo disputes, crew injury and machinery failure are also covered with several examples.

书名Modern Towing

出版社-Schiffer Publishing

版本号-2012 Edition

语言- English

书号 -SCP3002C

A wide-ranging work on all aspects of towing, in both inland and ocean waters. Part I, The Industry, gives an overview, followed by descriptions of types of tugs and modes of towing. Part II, Operations, covers getting the tug under way, under way with tow and at sea, and special types of towing. Part III, Towing as a Business, deals with the shore establishment. More than fifty appendices consolidate data helpful to the tugmaster. The text is illustrated with more than 300 drawings, photographs, diagrams, and other visual aids.

书名Celestial Navigation by H.O.249

出版社-Schiffer Publishing


语言- English

书号 -SCP2010A

Any kind of boating can be fun, the author points out, racing around the marks, or coastwise cruising where there is almost always at hand visual reference ashore from which bearings can be taken for locating one's position and thus finding one's way home. Severing these ties with land, however, offers a new kind of fun, a new kind of freedom, a freedom from dependence on land. Here is a basic beginner's book, introducing the amateur to the tools, the vocabulary, and the techniques of celestial navigation. Among the recommended tools are the H. O. 249 tables, the most widely used among amateur navigators at sea because of their simplicity. The ability to determine one's position at sea both liberates the sailor from the land and enables him to find his way to his destination. If you can read, add and subtract, understand angles, and use a protractor, you can learn to navigate in your armchair or at sea from Celestial Navigation by H. O. 249.

书名Ports & Terminals Guide 2024 Edition

出版社-IHS S&P Global Market Intelligence

版本号-2024 Edition

语言- English

书号 -IHS02024X

S&P Global Market Intelligence - Ports & Terminals Guide 2024

(Formerly known as IHS Markit Ports & Terminals Guide)

S&P Global Market Intelligence provides the most cost effective, accurate and comprehensive ports data, giving you a competitive advantage

The 2024 Ports & Terminals Guide has over 21,000 ports and terminals included in one place for your convenience. This one-stop guide saves time and money compared to having to purchase multiple products at higher prices.

The 2024 Ports & Terminals Guide Now covers 6,934 ports, 14,100 terminals, giving you over 21,000 ports and terminals.

4,474 port plans with updates to over 40 plans since the last edition of the Ports & Terminals Guide

30,000 port service providers

S&P Global Market Intelligence has the world's largest maritime database, an information gathering heritage spanning over 250 years including comprehensive information on all vessels of 100 GT and over.

We are the SOLE originating source for assigning the IMO Ship and company numbers, guaranteeing an unmatched accuracy and depth of coverage for vessel characteristics and the global new building orderbook. Our extensive port database coupled with excellent relationships with port and maritime representatives is the foundation which enables us to provide you with the most comprehensive port directory.

Country information:

Flag, time zones, national holidays, government departments, currency, national regulations, ISPS designated authority

Port description:

1.Location, general overview, traffic figures, load line zone, maximum vessel size

2.Pre-arrival information:

ETA's, documentation required, communications, health regulations, customs and immigration, standard messages, flags, notices of readiness, general notices and regulations


Charts, port limits, approaches, pilot, anchorages, tidal range and flow, dock density, weather, principle navigation aids, traffic schemes, restrictions, tugs, coastguard, mooring information

Berths and cargo:

Berths, names/numbers, facilities, storage, cargo, barges, security, safety requirements and emergency contacts


Repairs, drydocks, bunkers, water and stores, medical facilities, transport, crew change, consuls, banks, holidays, working hours,

developments, seaman's missions, officials and visitors, fumigation, pollution control

Berths & terminals:

Tanker berths: Detailed information on berth restrictions, mooring arrangement, connections and cargoes

Dry cargo berths: Detailed information on berth and vessel size restrictions, mooring arrangements, bunker facilities, cargoes

handled and berth equipment details

Addresses and contacts:

1.Port authorities and port operators

2.Plans and maps:

3.Port plans



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