电子图书出新通告 (2024.06.07)

发布时间:2024-06-07 16:14:44 访问次数:392



书名Código BSMA

Código de prácticas de seguridad para el transporte de cargas y personas en buques de suministro mar adentro

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-1st Edition, 2000

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO288A-ES

The purpose of this Code was adopted by resolution A.863(20), is to provide, for both operator and contractor, an international Stardard to avoid or reduce to a minimum the hazzards which affect offshore supply vessels in their daily operation of carrying cargoes and persons from and between offshore installations.

This standard should be considered when implementing a safety management system within the meaning of paragraph 1.4 of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.

书名Código Ngv 2000, Edición de 2021

Código internacional de seguridad para naves de gran velocidad, 2000

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2021 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMO185C-ES

The Maritime Safety Committee adopted, in December 2000 by resolution MSC.97(73), the *International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft, 2000* (2000 HSC Code), which was made mandatory under chapter X (Safety measures for high-speed craft) of the 1974 SOLAS Convention and applies to high-speed craft engaged on international voyages the keels of which are laid or which were at a similar stage of construction on or after 1

July 2002.

This 2021 edition of the 2000 HSC Code contains consolidated text that incorporates the amendments adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee by resolutions MSC.175(79), MSC.222(82), MSC.260(84), MSC.271(85), MSC.326(90), MSC.352(92), MSC.424(98) and MSC.439(99). It also includes Unified Interpretations to 2000 HSC Code regulations, the *Guidelines for uniform operating limitations of high-speed craft* (MSC.1/Circ.1329)and SOLAS chapter X.

书名Model Course 3.13 SAR Administration - 2024 Edition

(IAMSAR Manual, Volume I)

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-2024 Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -IMOMC313D

This course is intended to provide an introduction to the administration and management of a maritime search and rescue (SAR) service to assist States in meeting their own SAR needs, and the obligations they accepted under the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 and its amendments together with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, and its amendments.

It covers the global SAR system concept, establishment and improvement of national and regional SAR systems and co-operation with neighbouring states to provide effective and economical SAR services as described in the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue Manual, Volume I, Organization and Management.

书名Liquefied Gas Terminals

Site Selection, Design and Operation of Marine Facilities


版本号-1st Edition

语言- Spanish

书号 -SIG5038A

This document aims to communicate best practice on risk reduction measures for terminals that are designed using prescriptive or risk-based approaches. While this document does not advocate for any one approach, risk-based language is used to help communicate best practice effectively. Products such as LNG, LPG, ammonia and CO2 are covered by this document in response to the growing demand in the liquefied gas industry.

The recommendations in this document are written for organisations involved in the site selection, design and operation of liquefied gas terminals located onshore. Nearshore floating terminals that are within a port facility may also find this document useful. The document focuses on the marine aspects and equipment of a terminal that are directly related to gas carrier operations, such as cargo transfer, piping, controls and emergency response. In support of the IMO's Greenhouse Strategy, this document includes discussion on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships approaching, moored alongside and leaving the berth.

This document updates and replaces the following SIGTTO publications:

1.Site Selection and Design for LNG Ports and Jetties (Information Paper No.14) (1997)

2.LNG Operations in Port Areas ? Essential Best Practices for the Industry (2003)

3.Simulation Information Paper (2010)

4.Ship/Shore Interface for LPG/Chemical Gas Carriers and Terminals (2018).

书名Instruments relevant to Procedures for Port State Control, 2023 - 2024 Edition

Código internacional de seguridad para naves de gran velocidad, 2000

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-3rd - 2024 Edition

语言- English

书号 -IMO657C

This electronic publication is intended to assist port State control officers, Administrators and other parties involved in the conduct of port State inspections in an easy-to-use and portable format. It provides the full texts of the List of instruments relevant to Procedures for port State control, 2023 published in appendix 20 of Procedures for port State control, 2023.

This edition presents updates including the 2022 Guidelines for brief sampling of anti-fouling systems on ships (resolution MEPC.356(78)), the 2022 Guidelines for the development of a ship energy efficiency management plan (SEEMP) (resolution MEPC.346(78)), and the List of certificates and documents required to be carried on board ships, 2022 (FAL.2/Circ.133, MEPC.1/Circ.902, MSC.1/Circ.1646 and LEG.2/Circ.4).

书名ECDIS Passage Planning and Watchkeeping - 2024 Edition

Incorporating Preparations for Inspections

出版社-Witherby Publishing Group

版本号-10th Edition - 2024

语言- Spanish

书号 -WPG1252J

This 2024-25 edition sets out procedures for the correct configuration of ECDIS and, utilising the APEM (appraisal, planning, execution and monitoring) methodology, highlights best practices for passage planning and watchkeeping.

This publication equips navigators with a thorough knowledge of ECDIS, contributing towards safer navigation and a more effective bridge team. It encourages operators to practise using every function and technique available on ECDIS, such as new automatic functions for creating 'no-go' alarms, 3D ENC functionality and use of VHF. A revised introduction chapter details the latest IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS equipment.

The 2024-25 edition also includes a new chapter on Port State Control, Audits and Verifying Compliance. The verification checks are split according to ECDIS and Passage Planning verification, with the latter following the APEM structure. Each area of inspection is covered, with guidance included on how to conduct the checks.

Updated ECDIS screenshots, expanded NAVTEX content and illustrations such as the PSC flowchart aid readers' understanding of best practice techniques.



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