电子图书出新通告 (2024.03.01)

发布时间:2024-03-01 16:02:46 访问次数:537



书名Geneeskundig Handboek voor de Scheepvaart Supplement Medische Uitrusting 6e, herziene druk & The Ship Captains Medical Guide Supplement Medical Supplies 6th, revised edition

Bilingual (Dutch/English)


版本号-6th Edition

语言- Dutch,English

书号 -SDU1004F-BI

Dutch: In dit supplement zijn in bijlage 5 van de Regeling Veiligheid Zeeschepen aanvullingen opgenomen, die de medische uitrusting aan boord schepen beschrijft. Tevens omvat het supplement een bijlage met een omnummeringstabel omdat de nummering van de tabellen (tabel 1, inzake de verplichte genees[1]middelen en tabel 2, inzake de verplichte verpleeg-en verbandartikelen) van bijlage 5 van de regeling is gewijzigd. Er is voor gekozen de medische uitrusting in een apart supplement op te nemen, om[1]dat de medische uitrusting aan boord van schepen onderhevig is aan veranderingen in de internationale en nationale wetgeving.

English: In this supplement, supplements are included in Appendix 5 of the Regulation on the Safety of Seagoing Vessels, which describes the medical equipment on board ships. The supplement also includes an appendix with a renumbering table because the numbering of the tables (table 1, regarding mandatory medicines and table 2, regarding mandatory nursing and bandaging items) in Appendix 5 of the Regulation has been changed. It has been decided to include the medical equipment in a separate supplement, because medical equipment on board ships is subject to changes in international and national legislation.

书名Elektroniske og Akustiske Navigasjonssystemer

for maritime studier

出版社 - Fagbokforlaget, Vigmostad & Bj?rke AS

版本号 -7th Edition

语言 - Norwegian

书号 -FVB2001G-NO

Boken gir en grundig gjennomgang av alle navigasjonssystemer som benyttes p? moderne skip, inkludert avanserte posisjoneringssystemer som brukes under offshoreoperasjoner og p? forskningsfart?yer.

Boken henvender seg f?rst og fremst til studenter i nautikk ved maritime h?gskoler og tekniske fagskoler. Den dekker alle instrumenter som er beskrevet i STCW-konvensjonen og fungerer som oppslagsverk for mannskap p? skip og for andre som arbeider med navigasjonssystemer.

Del 1 presenterer grunnleggende geodesi, stedlinjeteori og alle relevante radionavigasjonssystemer. Mest vekt er det lagt p? satellittnavigasjonssystemer (GNSS), samt systemer for ? forbedre ytelsen p? disse. Det er lagt stor vekt p? systemenes kapasiteter og begrensninger. Her beskrives ogs? integrering av instrumenter og problemstillinger rundt dette.

Del 2 beskriver radarsystemer, AIS og elektroniske kartsystemer (ECDIS). I dette ligger ogs? beskrivelse av teknikker for ? benytte systemene p? en sikker og effektiv m?te, herunder ARPA- og VTS-systemer.

Del 3 omhandler alle relevante kompassystemer, inkludert varianter av magnetkompass, gyro- og LASER-kompass. Systemene som disse komponentene er koblet opp mot beskrives ogs?. Treghetsnavigasjon, autopilot og VDR er derfor omtalt i denne delen. En relativt stor plass er viet beskrivelsen av DP-systemer. Et lite kapittel omhandler sekstant og peileskive, som kan benyttes til ? unders?ke de ulike kompasstypenes n?yaktighet.

Del 4 er i sin helhet viet undervannssystemene. I tillegg til en beskrivelse av ekkolodd, sonarer, HPR og fartsm?lere, gis det en grundig innf?ring i undervannsakustikk. Flere bruksomr?der innen fiskeri og havforskning beskrives. Videre foretas en grundig gjennomgang av offshoreanvendelser og kartlegging.

For maritime studier anbefales det ? se denne boken i sammenheng med to andre titler av samme forfatter:

1.Fremf?ring av skip med navigasjonskontroll og Navigasjon for maritime studier.

书名Getijtafels voor Nederland 2024


版本号-2024 Edition

语言- Dutch

书号 -SDU30024-NL

Dutch: In deze aangepaste druk van 'Getijtafels voor Nederland 2024' is de meetlocatie Haringvlietsluizen met de daaronder de tabel met tijden en hoogten van hoog- en laagwaters vervangen door Stellendam buiten. Nederland is onlosmakelijk verbonden met het getij. Het ritme van eb en vloed is de polsslag van havens aan de Nederlandse kust, die bepaalt welk schip wanneer kan uitvaren. Al meer dan honderd jaar worden de getijtafels uitgegeven voor een breed publiek. Zowel voor de beroepsvaart als ook voor de tienduizenden recreanten zijn deze getijtafels een onmisbare leidraad en bron van informatie.

English: In this adjusted edition of 'Tde tables for the Netherlands 2024', the 'Haringvlietsluis' measuring location with the table below with times and heights of high and low water has been replaced by 'Stellendam buiten'. The Netherlands is inextricably linked to the tide. The rhythm of ebb and flow is the pulse of ports on the Dutch coast, which determines which ship can sail when. The tide tables have been published for a wide audience for more than a hundred years. These tide tables are an indispensable guideline and source of information for both commercial shipping and tens of thousands of recreationalists.

书名Nautical Rules of the Road

The International and Inland Rules

出版社-Schiffer Publishing

版本号-5th Edition

语言- English

书号 -SCP2001E

This updated book has an easy-to-follow layout that aligns the InternationalRules with the corresponding Inland Rules. In addition to being highlydescriptive, this edition givesthe current rules as of publication and explicit comments to helpreaders thoroughly understand each rule.Some of the items detailed are proper lookout information to preventcollisions, positioning of light shapes, signals for fishing vesselsfishing in proximity, technical details of sound signalappliances, and violations of Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations,including penalties for negligent operations.To aid in Coast Guard examinations, the final chapter gives multiplechoice, practice questions to test the readers knowledge on theinformation found within the entire book. In addition, there is adescriptive study outline.Professional and recreational boaters alike need the new Nautical Ruleson their vessels before leaving port. Dont toss your lines without it. Thisupdated book has an easy-to-follow layout that aligns the InternationalRules with the corresponding Inland Rules. In addition to being highlydescriptive, this edition givesthe current rules as of publication and explicit comments to helpreaders thoroughly understand each rule.Some of the items detailed are proper lookout information to preventcollisions, positioning of light shapes, signals for fishing vesselsfishing in proximity, technical details of sound signalappliances, and violations of Inland Navigation Rules and Regulations,including penalties for negligent operations.To aid in Coast Guard examinations, the final chapter gives multiplechoice, practice questions to test the readers knowledge on theinformation found within the entire book. In addition, there is adescriptive study outline.Professional and recreational boaters alike need the new Nautical Ruleson their vessels before leaving port. Dont toss your lines without it.

Updated edition of a globally standard maritime guide and rule book for all waterway traffic

Easy-to-follow format and simple, effective illustrations for professional and recreational boaters alike

Includes example scenarios and a complete Rules test and evaluation



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