电子图书出新通告 (2023.10.20)

发布时间:2023-10-20 13:10:19 访问次数:826



书名:Life-Saving Appliances IncludingLSA Code, 2023 Edition

出版社 - International MaritimeOrganization

版本号 - 2023 Edition

语言 - English

书号 - IMO982G

This publicationcontains the three most important IMO instruments dealing with life-savingappliances, namely the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code, theRevised Recommendation on Testing of Life-Saving Appliances and the Code ofPractice for Evaluation, Testing and Acceptance of Prototype Novel Life-SavingAppliances. It provides international requirements for the life-savingappliances required by chapter III of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, includingpersonal life-saving appliances like lifebuoys, lifejackets, immersion suits,anti-exposure suits and thermal protective aids; visual aids, such as parachuteflares, hand flares and buoyant smoke signals; survival craft, such as liferafts and lifeboats; rescue boats; launching and embarkation appliances andmarine evacuation systems line throwing appliances; and general alarm andpublic address systems.

书名:Bulk Carrier Practice (Member)

出版社 - The Nautical Institute

版本号 - 3rd Edition

语言 - English

书号 - NIS0320C(MEM)

This third edition ofBulk Carrier Practice provides comprehensive, practical guidance on everyaspect of bulk carrier operations. It takes the reader through a typical voyage- from paperwork, hold preparation and loading to cargo care on the voyage anddischarging. Carriage of both typical and unusual cargoes is detailed. Animportant new section highlights the dangers of liquefaction and dynamicseparation.

The various vessel typesare described, along with their construction, maintenance, equipment, andsafety considerations, with particular attention paid to hatch covers,stability and trim.

The book contains over300 photographs and 120 diagrams, plus many examples of cargo documents andships's certificates.

Bulk Carrier Practice isan indispensable reference for Masters, shipowners, ship operators, charterers,marine consultants, and surveyors and will be a valued companion for marinerspreparing for their exams.

Updates include but notlimited to the following areas:

1.Dynamic separation

2.Stability, trim and ballast management

3.Cargo care and liquefaction

4.Case studies and casualties

书名:ECDIS Procedures Guide -2023-2024 Edition

出版社 - Witherby Publishing Group

版本号 - 2023-2024 Edition

语言 - English

书号 - WPG1255G

ECDIS Procedures GuidePart 1 has been significantly updated to reflect all the latest software,hardware, documentation, PSC/audit skill gaps and best practice procedures inECDIS navigation. It includes worked examples from different manufacturers’systems and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating AI inECDIS usage. For many ships, this development will require a modernisation ofcurrent practices, which this Guide aims to assist with. All recommendationsare designed to accompany a ship’s safety managementsystem (SMS).

Part 2 of the Guidefeatures fully updated familiarisation checklists and key menu functions to beaware of when operating specific manufacturers’ systems.

Part 3 –Type Specific Quick Reference Guides has been updated to reflect the latestsoftware versions and functionalities.

It is vital that allships carrying ECDIS have installed and understood the latest updates andrequirements. This title provides a framework, as well as supporting backgroundinformation and checklists, to aid officers in fulfilling STCW requirements. Italso helps companies to implement best practice in the use of ECDIS on boardtheir ships.

The 2023–2024Edition has been significantly updated throughout, reflecting all the latestsoftware, hardware, documentation, PSC/audit skill gaps and procedures for bestpractice. The latest standards for ‘Vessel Template’configurations, advance and transfer information and ECDIS COM port setup aredetailed. Examples of radar maps and system units best practices are alsoincluded. New sections have been added highlighting advantages anddisadvantages of track control system (TCS) integration, providing informationon the various available GNSS systems and their reliability, and discussing(with images) correct configuration and management of information sent to ECDISfrom an integrated echosounder.

The new 2024 ISM ECDISAudit Template, which should be completed by all ships, is included, and asoftware suitability checklist and the latest ECDIS Generic course modules havebeen added. The last 12 months of observations and inspections are reviewed,and the use of inspection screenshots as evidence of ECDIS position verificationis explored. New subjects for both 6th Generation and legacy software functionsare fully covered.

To address knowncharting issues, new maps have been added highlighting areas of low reliabilityfor use at the appraisal stage of planning, alongside up-to-date information onpolar navigation and related ENC issues. Examples of chart symbols commonly notrecognised at inspection and STCW exams have been added and addressed in twonew annexes. Finally, ECDIS Safety Checklists have been updated and presentedin a new easy to use format.

Part 2 of the Guideincludes fully revised Type Specific familiarisation checklists to be filled inby ECDIS operators, in addition to annotated screenshots highlighting key ECDISmenu functions. Part 3 is available for download and includes Type SpecificECDIS Quick Reference Guides to help the navigator identify the functionaldifferences between systems and become familiarised with the specific system onboard their ship. The Guides include the latest standards required on board,concentrating on the latest typical ECDIS configurations of sensors at sea.

书名:Bulk Carrier Practice

出版社 - The Nautical Institute

版本号 - 3rd Edition

语言 - English

书号 - NIS0320C

This third edition ofBulk Carrier Practice provides comprehensive, practical guidance on everyaspect of bulk carrier operations. It takes the reader through a typical voyage- from paperwork, hold preparation and loading to cargo care on the voyage anddischarging. Carriage of both typical and unusual cargoes is detailed. Animportant new section highlights the dangers of liquefaction and dynamicseparation.

The various vessel typesare described, along with their construction, maintenance, equipment, andsafety considerations, with particular attention paid to hatch covers,stability and trim.

The book contains over300 photographs and 120 diagrams, plus many examples of cargo documents andships's certificates.

Bulk Carrier Practice isan indispensable reference for Masters, shipowners, ship operators, charterers,marine consultants, and surveyors and will be a valued companion for marinerspreparing for their exams.

Updates include but notlimited to the following areas:

1.Dynamic separation

2.Stability, trim and ballast management

3.Cargo care and liquefaction

4.Case studies and casualties

书名:Documentos básicosVolumen I - Edición de 2023

出版社 - International MaritimeOrganization

版本号 - 2023t Edition

语言 - Spanish

书号 - IMO001E-ES

This editionincorporates amendments to the Convention on the

International MaritimeOrganization up to December 2021.

It also includesamendments to the Rules of Procedure of:

1.the Assembly up to December 2021;

2.the Council up to November 2021;

3.the Maritime Safety Committee up to June 2017;

4.the Legal Committee up to April 2017;

5.the Marine Environment Protection Committee up to July 2017;

6.the Technical Cooperation Committee up to July 2017;

7.the Facilitation Committee up to June 2018; and

Meetings under theLondon Convention, 1972 and the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention up toNovember 2018.

书名:IMSBC Code and Supplement 2023Edition

IncorporatingAmendment 07-23

出版社 - International MaritimeOrganization

版本号 - 2023t Edition

语言 - English

书号 - IMO260M

The InternationalMaritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code), adopted on 4 December 2008 byresolution MSC.268(85), entered into force on 1 January 2011, from which dateit was made mandatory under the provisions of the SOLAS Convention. The presentedition incorporates Amendment 07-23, which may be applied from 1 January 2024on a voluntary basis, anticipating its envisaged official entry into force on 1January 2025.

This publication alsopresents additional information that supplements the IMSBC Code, such as theCode of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLUCode), BLU Manual and recommendations on the safe use of pesticides in shipsapplicable to the fumigation of cargo holds. The IMSBC Code and supplement iscommended to Administrations, shipowners, shippers and masters and all othersconcerned with the standards to be applied in the safe stowage and shipment ofsolid bulk cargoes, excluding grain.



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