电子图书出新通告 (2023.07.21)
发布时间:2023-07-24 10:42:12 访问次数:649SeaReader电子阅读器为海上使用提供了一个完整的数字海洋技术库。它以易于使用的数字格式提供船上所需的所有书籍。它消除了维护纸质图书馆的相关成本和管理,因为所有数据都始终在容器上。此外,只需单击一个按钮,整个库就可以轻松更新。你甚至不需要在线更新数字图书馆。在船舶检查时,SPICA电子阅读器通过在船上提供所有强制性出版物,使检查变得简单,并确保合规性。有关IMO关于船舶出版物运输要求的更多信息和指南,请阅读(MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2)
书名:Merchant Ship Types
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -TAF3200A
Merchant Ship Types provides a broad and detailed introduction to the classifications and main categories of merchant vessels for students and cadets. It introduces the concept of ship classification by usage, cargo type, and size, and shows how the various size categories affect which ports and channels the types of vessels are permitted to enter. Detailed outlines of each major vessel category are provided, including:
1.? Feeder ship;
2.? General cargo vessels;
3.? Container ships;
4.? Tankers;
5.? Dry bulk carriers;
6.? Multi-purpose vessels;
7.? Reefer ships;
8.? Roll-on/roll-off vessels.
The book also explains where these are permitted to operate, the type of cargoes carried, and specific safety or risk factors associated with the vessel class, as well as their main characteristics. Relevant case studies are presented.
The textbook is ideal for merchant navy cadets at HNC, HND, and foundation degree level in both the deck and engineering branches, and serves as a general reference for insurance, law, logistics, offshore, and fisheries.
书名:SMCP de la OMI
Frases normalizadas de la OMI para las comunicaciones marítimas
出版社-International Maritime Organization
版本号-2005 Edition
语言- Spanish
书号 -IMO987B-ES
In November 2001 the draft of the IMO Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) that had been adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee in 1997 was amended, following international trials, and adopted by the Assembly as resolution A.918 (22). This resolution revokes A.380 (X), by which the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary was adopted in 1977
The phrases are divided into part A and part B. Part A covers phrases to be applied according to the requirements of Table A-II/1 (minimum competence of officers in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross tonnage) of the STCW Code, and may thus be regarded as the replacement of the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary, 1985. This part is enriched by essential phrases concerning ship handling and safety of navigation to be used in on-board communications. Part B calls attention to other on-board standard safety-related phrases which, supplementary to part A, may also be regarded as useful for maritime English instruction.
书名:Introduction to Ship Engine Room Systems
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -TAF1500A
Introduction to Ship Engine Room Systems outlines the key systems, machinery and equipment found in a ship's engine room. It explores the basics of their function with overall practical guidance for engine room operation and maintenance, recognising emerging environmental challenges. It covers the following topics:
1.The role and function of the steering and propulsion systems
2.Power generation
3.The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems
4.The water management system
5.Engine room fires and emergency response systems
6.Engine room watch procedures and checklists
The book serves as an accessible introductory text for engineering students at HNC, HND, and foundation degree level, marine engineering cadets, and non-engineering marine professionals such as deck officers and cadets who want a general guide to how the engine room functions.
书名:Introduction to Container Ship Operations and Onboard Safety
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -TAF2310A
Introduction to Container Ship Operations and Onboard Safety is an introduction for students and professionals involved in the maritime industry.
It provides an overview of the merchant navy from its beginnings to the present day, entry and training requirements, shipboard hierarchy and roles and responsibilities, shipboard safety organisation, inductions and new crew member familiarisation, safe means of access to enclosed spaces, general housekeeping, risk assessment and risk management. In addition, it examines specific hazardous activities such as cargo loading and unloading, drydocking, drills, and actions to take in the event of an emergency.
This textbook provides a concise overview of core concepts and practices in the maritime industry that is appropriate for the cadet, experienced seafarer, industry professional, and the general maritime enthusiast.
书名:Maritime Cargo Operations
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -TAF7800A
Maritime Cargo Operations presents the core concepts of cargo work for marine engineering students and cadets. It is built around the essential principles of the maritime profession and is a valuable guide to a broad range of key subject areas in the safe carriage, handling, stowage and securing of cargo, and cargo watches in port. It contributes to a sound understanding of cargo operations for a future career in the profession, as well as offering a general overview for deck officers.
Gives an overview of the key areas in cargo operations work.
Includes structured Learning Outcomes and self-test questions for each subject area to assist readers in evaluating their understanding.
The book suits merchant navy cadets at Higher National Certificate (HNC), and Higher National Diploma (HND), and foundation degree level in both the deck and engineering branches, and also serves as a general reference for maritime professionals.
书名:Firefighting and Fire Safety Systems on Ships
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -TAF2550A
This accessible reference introduces firefighting and fire safety systems on ships and is written in line with the IACS Classification Rules for Firefighting Systems. It covers the design, construction, use, and maintenance of firefighting and fire safety systems, with cross references to the American Bureau of Shipping rules and various Classification Society regulations which pertain to specific Classification Society rules.As such, this book:
1.Focuses on basic principles in line with current practice
2.Is aimed at non-specialists
The book suits professional seafarers, students, and cadets, as well as leisure sailors and professionals involved in the logistics industry. It is also particularly useful for naval architects, ship designers, and engineers who need to interpret the Class rules when developing shipboard firefighting systems.
书名:Reeds VHF DSC Handbook
出版社-Bloomsbury Publishing
版本号-3rd Edition
语言- English
书号 -BLO1011C
The Reed's VHF DSC Handbook is a user-friendly guide that gets marine VHF radio users quickly up to speed with both the analogue and digital functions on the radio. Sue Fletcher's straightforward explanations and tips describe the leisure craft VHF DSC radio system in detail and its place within GMDSS. Since it was first published it has become the standard work on the subject. Updated to take into account new developments and procedures it provides:
1.All the information required to pass the Short Range Certificate
2.(SRC) - which is compulsory for anyone using a VHF DSC radio;radio procedure,
3.channel allocation, VHF radio theory and more;
4.a full explanation of GMDSS, including details on EPIRBs, SARTs and Navtex;
5.an invaluable onboard reference.
The rescue authorities and commercial maritime world now rely almost entirely on DSC for initial contact, so if you need help and want to be heard, a marine VHF DSC radio is essential.
书名:Ship Vetting and its Application to LNG
出版社-Witherby Publishing Group
版本号-3rd Edition
语言- English
书号 -WPG2331C
This publication describes the vetting of LNG carriers, incorporating the use of the SIRE 2.0 programme as a risk assessment tool. It provides an overview of LNG shipping business with recommendations on the technical aspects of LNG ships relevant to the vetting and clearance process.
This third edition outlines the history of LNG shipping and provides an overview of the various types of engines, propulsion systems, gas management and cargo containment systems currently in use within the industry. It details the ship/shore compatibility process for LNG ship/shore and ship to ship cargo transfer operations.
The book sets out relevant sections of the SIRE 2.0 CVIQ and suggests practices and processes for taking advantage of new opportunities for assessment derived from the introduction of the SIRE 2.0 inspection regime. It describes changes introduced by the SIRE 2.0 programme to assist stakeholders understand the impact on their vetting processes.
Finally, the book introduces the concepts of continuous improvement, resilience and the human element and considers their impact on the vetting of LNG ships.
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