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书名:Australian National Tide Tables (AHP11)
Covering Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste and Australian Antartic Territory
出版社-Australian Hydrographic Office AHO
版本号-2023 Edition
语言- English
书号 -AHO0011W
Australian National Tide Tables (ANTT) contains information for over 80 Primary Standard and 600 Secondary ports in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Antarctica and Timor-Leste. This information includes:
lPredictions for high and low water for each day of the year for all Standard Ports.
lTidal level and time differences for all Secondary Ports.
lInstructions and forms for calculating intermediate times and heights.
lEffects of wind and barometric pressure on tide, particularly at certain ports.
lDetails of transmitting tide gauges in Torres Strait.
lPredictions of maximum rates of tidal streams for Torres Strait and Port Phillip Heads.
lTidal Stream diagrams for Sydney, Broome and Darwin.
l(The main 22 harmonic constituents for all Standard and Secondary Ports may be found within AusTides)
Australian National Tide Tables are official nautical publications. Official nautical publications are those issued by, or on the authority of, a Government authorised Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution. The Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) is Australia's national charting authority and publishes official nautical publications of the Australian Charting Area.
书名:Mariner’s Handbook for Australian Waters (AHP20)
(Formerly Seafarers Handbook for Australian Waters)
出版社-Australian Hydrographic Office AHO
版本号-5th Edition
语言- English
书号 -AHO0020E
The Mariner's Handbook for Australian Waters is an official nautical publication. This publication provides mariners with important regulatory, procedural and environmental information affecting the planning and conduct of a voyage to, or from, Australian ports, or within Australian waters. It includes a summary of all relevant information from various Australian government agencies under the cover of one combined reference, with links to further information if required.
The publication includes:
lMajor Australian maritime legislation and regulations, and responsible agencies
lMarine Protected Areas, regulations and responsible agencies
lCoastal Pilotage arrangements
lTorres Strait and Great Barrier Reef shipping routes, accident and incident reporting
lMaritime Safety Information, meteorological broadcasts, Warnings, search and rescue
lShip Reporting Systems - AUSREP and REEFVTS
lMaritime security, Customs, biosecurity, quarantine and immigration
lAustralian trading ports - Pilots, boarding arrangements, arrival and departure notification requirements, VHF Channels and port contact details
lMariners guide to interpreting the accuracy of depth information in Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC)
lThe regional climatic environment
lKey contact information for each relevant government agency and links to further information
lImportant information relating to the accuracy of charts, Zones of Confidence (ZOCs) and effects of over-scaling in Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS).
The Mariner's Handbook for Australian Waters is an official nautical publication. Official nautical publications are those issued by, or on the authority of, a Government authorised Hydrographic Office or other relevant government institution. The Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) is Australia's national charting authority and publishes official nautical publications of the Australian Charting Area.
书名:Australian Chart & Publication Maintenance Handbook (AHP24)
出版社-Australian Hydrographic Office AHO
版本号-4th Edition
语言- English
书号 -AHO0024D
National and international regulations governing international and many other commercial vessels all require up to date nautical charts and publications.
The Australian Chart and Publication Maintenance Handbook provides information to assist mariners to keep their paper and electronic nautical charts and publications up to date, as well as to keep appropriate maintenance records. By using this book, mariners should be able to meet their obligations to both undertake, and demonstrate, that their official nautical charts and publications are being kept up to date.
lDetails of Australian Hydrographic Office products and services
lGuide to Australian Notices to Mariners
lSymbols unique to Australian paper nautical charts
lQuick visual reference to common symbols found on nautical charts
lGuide to read and use tracings to correct a paper nautical chart
lGuide to updating nautical publications
lExamples of how to use log sheets to track the update status of charts and publications
lGuide to understanding the difference between Electronic Chart Display & Information Systems (ECDIS) and Electronic Chart Systems (ECS)
lGuide to the Australian Electronic Navigation Chart Service (AusENC)
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