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发布时间:2023-04-07 11:35:09 访问次数:616SeaReader电子阅读器为海上使用提供了一个完整的数字海洋技术库。它以易于使用的数字格式提供船上所需的所有书籍。它消除了维护纸质图书馆的相关成本和管理,因为所有数据都始终在容器上。此外,只需单击一个按钮,整个库就可以轻松更新。你甚至不需要在线更新数字图书馆。在船舶检查时,SPICA电子阅读器通过在船上提供所有强制性出版物,使检查变得简单,并确保合规性。有关IMO关于船舶出版物运输要求的更多信息和指南,请阅读(MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2)
书名:Floating LNG Installations
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -SIG5010A
This document provides guidance relating to the development and operation of floating LNG installations, which for the purposes of this document encompass floating storage units (FSUs), floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) and LNG floating production, storage and offloading (LNG FPSO) units.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance that covers all stages in a floating LNG installation project, from accurate assessment of the site through to safe operational status.
This document covers two critical areas when considering floating LNG installations:
1.Technical assessment
The technical assessment section provides guidance on the considerations for a floating LNG installation project. This includes pre-front-end engineering design and front-end engineering design (pre-FEED/FEED) data collection and design criteria, physical location and site assessment, the applicable floating LNG installations to: consider and project overview from commissioning to end of life. The operations section reinforces best practices for the safe operation of floating LNG installations and their associated infrastructure. Recommendations are based on mitigating identified risks and hazards.
书名:LNG Shipping Suggested Competency Standards
出版社-International Maritime Organization
版本号-3rd Edition
语言- Spanish
书号 -SIG5015C
This document is written at a level suitable for organisations involved in training officers for LNG cargo operations. The high-level nature of the content is directed at a reader who is technically qualified and experienced in the subject of training and LNG operations.
These suggested standards are useful for all types of LNG carriers, regardless of size. They are relevant to any officer that is involved in the entire LNG cargo cycle operation, including the role of cargo engineer.
It is the responsibility of the owner to decide the appropriate level and type of training required, as part of a formal competence management system. Additional training, not covered by this document, may be required for specific operations or equipment.
书名:International Medical Guide for Seafarers and Fishers
出版社-International Chamber of Shipping
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -ICS5250A/ICS5250A(MEM)
When a seafarer or fisher becomes sick or is injured at sea, it is up to one of their fellow crew members to provide medical relief until professional medical services can be reached. This person will have had limited medical training on shore, as required under the STCW Convention, but is not a fully-trained doctor. When confronted with a medical emergency far from land, the person responsible for medical care relies on telemedical assistance services (TMAS), the medicines and equipment available in the on board medicine chest, and the on board medical guide for support.
This modern and practical medical guide from ICS has been written and reviewed by an international group of maritime medical practitioners and experts with many years' experience of working with and training seafarers and fishers. It can be used on board all ships and fishing vessels, anywhere in the world, and in onshore safety departments, medical assistance centres and training institutions who support seafarers and fishers.
The International Medical Guide for Seafarers and Fishers is:
1. International and applicable globally
Terminology and medical guidance is recognised and applicable globally
Medicines and equipment are available globally, right now
Reviewed and approved by international organisations representing shipowners, seafarer unions and maritime health professionals
Latest medical knowledge from maritime medical practitioners from every continent available in one guide
2. Comprehensive and up-to-date
Guidance on all injuries, illnesses and health issues experienced on ships and fishing vessels
Brand new chapters not available in existing international guides, including a chapter on assessing and treating mental health
Action cards address emergency situations and can be carried in the medical bag for quick access
Updated Ship’s Medicine Chest includes medicines and equipment that are easy to source anywhere in the world, right now
3. Practical and user-friendly
Easy-to-use format for a non-medical professional to navigate and apply in a medical situation
3D visual aids, tables, charts and assessment forms to help crew follow procedures correctly and find the most important information quickly
Print and digital ebook formats available to give shipping companies flexibility and confidence that a guide will always be available in a way that suits crews and voyages
Comprehensive index includes symptoms to help readers find what they need quickly
Featuring a foreword from Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and written in collaboration with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and International Maritime Health Association (IMHA).
Carriage of a medical guide on board is mandatory under the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention (ILO MLC) and the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) Convention. The fishing industry requires proper medical care to be provided on board under the ILO Work in Fishing Convention, and medical training for those providing first aid care under the IMO STW-F 1995 Convention.
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