电子图书出新通告 (2023.01.20)

发布时间:2023-01-20 22:32:49 访问次数:579



Coming Soon

书名Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping

出版社-International Chamber of Shipping

版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -ICS6501A / ICS6501A(MEM)

The ICS Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping has been developed to create awareness and inspire change in the strategies, policies and practices that will enable the maritime industry to meet the needs of the diverse seafarer community. It provides descriptions and definitions; provides ways to assess the current needs of diverse communities and identify gaps in services, policies and practice; and makes suggestions on how to fill these gaps.

The toolkit will help companies:

Enhance existing diversity assessments and increase awareness of diversity issues and needs;

Embed the principle of diversity throughout their service and influence strategic planning at all levels;

Develop good practice;

Meet legislative requirements;

Assess current performance, to identify any barriers preventing progress and to provide advice and guidance on how to overcome these; and

Enhance monitoring and data collection mechanisms to highlight the needs of different communities.

New Releases

书名Train the Simulator Trainer and Assesor, 2012 Edition

Model Course 6.10

出版社-International Maritime Organization

版本号-1st Edition

语言- English

书号 -IMOMC610A

The course includes technical aspects of teaching that have a direct relation with the maritime simulator world. Without delving into the details at this stage, it is however emphasized that the simulator pedagogy, as well as psychology of learning forms an important element of the course.

The topics that have been covered in this modular course have been chosen in such a way as to provide a valuable introduction for those who have little experience in teaching and also as a very useful refresher for experienced instructors. In addition, those whose teaching experience has been limited to lecturing will gain considerable exposure, as they will explore the world of maritime simulation along with a variety of teaching techniques.

The course deals with the relevance of simulator in maritime training and the simulator pedagogy associated with the use of training on a maritime simulator. The basic aspects of the learning process, purpose of training, setting of training objectives and basic principles of course design and the psychology of learning has also been touched upon, however it does not form the main thrust of the course. It is assumed that course participants would have received formal training in these aspects prior to completing this programme.

The course has a large practical component in which the participants implement the theoretical guidelines by planning, creating, executing and evaluating their own simulation exercises. The experimental nature of the course being conducted largely using simulators provides the participants the opportunity to hone the necessary skills required to be an effective simulator instructor.



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