电子图书出新通告 (2023.01.06)
发布时间:2023-01-06 17:32:20 访问次数:513SeaReader电子阅读器为海上使用提供了一个完整的数字海洋技术库。它以易于使用的数字格式提供船上所需的所有书籍。它消除了维护纸质图书馆的相关成本和管理,因为所有数据都始终在容器上。此外,只需单击一个按钮,整个库就可以轻松更新。你甚至不需要在线更新数字图书馆。在船舶检查时,SPICA电子阅读器通过在船上提供所有强制性出版物,使检查变得简单,并确保合规性。有关IMO关于船舶出版物运输要求的更多信息和指南,请阅读(MSC-MEPC.2/Circ.2)
Coming Soon
书名:Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping
出版社-International Chamber of Shipping
版本号-1st Edition
语言- English
书号 -ICS6501A / ICS6501A(MEM)
The ICS Diversity and Inclusion Toolkit for Shipping has been developed to create awareness and inspire change in the strategies, policies and practices that will enable the maritime industry to meet the needs of the diverse seafarer community. It provides descriptions and definitions; provides ways to assess the current needs of diverse communities and identify gaps in services, policies and practice; and makes suggestions on how to fill these gaps.
The toolkit will help companies:
lEnhance existing diversity assessments and increase awareness of diversity issues and needs;
lEmbed the principle of diversity throughout their service and influence strategic planning at all levels;
lDevelop good practice;
lMeet legislative requirements;
lAssess current performance, to identify any barriers preventing progress and to provide advice and guidance on how to overcome these; and
lEnhance monitoring and data collection mechanisms to highlight the needs of different communities.
New Releases
书名:Storck Guide
Stowage & Segregation to IMDG Code (Amdt. 41-22)
出版社-ecomed-Storck GmbH
版本号-28th Edition
语言- English
书号 -STO2324AB
Storck Guide: For Stowing and Segregating Dangerous Goods Correctly!
Dangerous goods in deepsea shipping always have to be loaded according to the safety rules for stowage and segregation of the IMDG Code. This is easy to stipulate but hard to do. The special information on the relationship of different hazard classes in respect to their stowage and segregation is hidden in not at all easy-to-understand tables of the IMDG Code. Checking several UN numbers against each other is most laborious and time-consuming.
Using the "Storck Guide - Stowage & Segregation to IMDG Code" this work is done in just a fraction of this time while creating safer transport. Classwise it shows the general stowage with dangerous substances of the other classes plus all special segregation requirements for single substances of each class (except for classes 1 and 7).
The Storck Guide covers the stowage and segregation rules for container ships, conventional cargo and ro/ro ships as well as barge transport. There are indications on the chemical stability of certain chemicals with their temperature control levels. The guide can be applied to bulk chemicals, bulk packagings, IBCs, large packagings and waste transports. The IMO Security Provisions also have been incorporated.
For more than 40 years the Storck Guide serves ship planners, cargo officers, surveyors and inspectors as well as container packers and terminal operators all over the world as a valuable tool in their daily work for correctly stowing and segregating dangerous goods.
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